Thursday, June 28, 2012

Archlinux: Compile ffmpeg with nonfree codecs

The ffmpeg binaries that are present in the official repository of Archlinux are not compiled with nonfree codecs. Some excellent ones like libfaac, libx264 and lib-nonfree are not included by default. However, with AUR and its package building automation tool yaourt, one can easily accomplish this. Here are the steps...
  1. Install yaourt using pacman -S yaourt, if you haven't already.
  2. Key in yaourt -Sb ffmpeg, and answer 'Yes' when asked for confirmation. Remember, you'd have to edit PKGBUILD when asked for. Add --enable-nonfree and --enable-libfaac and other needed configuration options to the build() function, exit the editor, and proceed.
  3. That's it, get yourself a cup of tea while the compilation process to finishes, and you're good to go.

For a list of available configuration options, see;a=blob;f=configure;h=f30998b37c80ff83a81f4949ea8ab0cfb8043376;hb=HEAD

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wallpaperswide download script in Windows

A few of the visitors of my blog found it difficult to run my wallpapers download script ( in their Windows OSes. So, here's what I did to run it in my Win XP Pro SP2 (32-bit).
  1. Install Ruby 1.9.3-p194 from Normally the defaults are fine. I installed it to my "C:\" folder
  2. Install nokogiri gem using "C:\Ruby193\bin\gem" install nokogiri
  3. Install wget from Keep the defaults, or else, change the "wget" line in the script to reflect the correct executable path.
  4. Download the following code into a file named wallpaperswide-script.rb, and adjust Resolution and OutputDirectory variables. It's 1600x900 and "C:\Wallpapers" respectively by default. Check out the original post for available resolutions.
  5. Run it using "C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe" "C:\wallpaperswide-script.rb"
  6. That's it, all your wallpapers will get downloaded into the given folder.
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'

Resolution = "1600x900"
Base_URL   = "{Resolution}-wallpapers-r/page/"
Output_Directory = "C:\\Wallpapers"

(1..2805).each do |page_num|

  # Go page by page
  url = Base_URL + page_num.to_s

  # Parse html
  f = open(url)
  doc = Nokogiri::HTML(f)

  # Loop over image-boxes
  doc.css("div.thumb").each do |wallp|

    # Extract wallpaper subpage url
    wallp.css("div[onclick]").attr("onclick").value =~ /prevframe_show\('(.*)'\)/
    subpage_url = $1
    subpage_url =~ %r|http://wallpaperswide\.com/[^/]+/([\w\d]+)\.html|

    # Generate url of the required wallpaper
    wallp_url = %|{$1}-#{Resolution}.jpg|
    # Download... with a user-agent parameter just in case...
    # use '--limit-rate=100k' to limit download speed
    system(%|"C:\\Program Files\\GnuWin32\\bin\\wget.exe" -c -U "Firefox/4.5.6" -P "#{Output_Directory}" "#{wallp_url}"|)

I'm continually working on it. You can find the latest version of the code on my github account.

The below listed screenshots will guide you through the process...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Convert videos using ffmpeg to watch in Nokia 5230 / 5233 / 5800 / 5530 / X6 / N97

Nokia 5230/5800/.../X6 are (err... were) great smartphones. At least before the advent of the now-ubiquitous Android/Windows ones. They have got excellent, high resolution (640x360) screens which are great for watching videos on the go.

ffmpeg too has become the de facto encoding suite for converting videos, at least on linux. Here are the ffmpeg commands used to convert videos to a format which the aforementioned devices play without a hiccup. My 5230 plays MPEG4 videos encoded with lavc/xvid upto resolution 640x360. However, it'd play videos encoded with the advanced H264 codec only upto 320x240.

# ffmpeg libxvid
 ffmpeg -i Input-Filename.avi -f mp4 -y \
   -vcodec libxvid -b:v 600k -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
   -r 25 -s 640x272 -aspect 640:360 -vf pad=640:360:0:44 \
   -threads 2 -async 1 -pass 1 /dev/null
 ffmpeg -i Input-Filename.avi -f mp4 \
   -y -vcodec libxvid -b:v 600k -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
   -r 25 -s 640x272 -aspect 640:360 -vf pad=640:360:0:44 \
   -threads 2 -async 1 -pass 2 ./Input-Filename-ffmpeg.mp4

# ffmpeg libx264
 ffmpeg -i Input-Filename.avi -f mp4 -y \
   -vcodec libx264 -b:v 600k -vpre ipod320 -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
   -r 25 -s 320x196 -aspect 320:240 -vf pad=320:240:0:22 \
   -threads 2 -async 1 -pass 1 /dev/null
 ffmpeg -i Input-Filename.avi -f mp4 -y \
   -vcodec libx264 -b:v 600k -vpre ipod320 -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
   -r 25 -s 320x196 -aspect 320:240 -vf pad=320:240:0:22 \
   -threads 2 -async 1 -pass 2 ./Input-Filename-ffmpeg.mp4

However, for batch processing and automation, a handy Bash shell script would be great. This is a small script I use to convert my videos. (Note: I'm continually working on it. The latest code will be on my github account)
#    Vikas Reddy @
# ffmpeg libxvid
# --------------
# ffmpeg -i Input-Filename.avi -f mp4 -y \
#   -vcodec libxvid -b:v 600k -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
#   -r 25 -s 640x272 -aspect 640:360 -vf pad=640:360:0:44 \
#   -threads 2 -async 1 -pass 1 /dev/null
# ffmpeg -i Input-Filename.avi -f mp4 \
#   -y -vcodec libxvid -b:v 600k -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
#   -r 25 -s 640x272 -aspect 640:360 -vf pad=640:360:0:44 \
#   -threads 2 -async 1 -pass 2 ./Input-Filename-ffmpeg.mp4
# ffmpeg libx264
# --------------
# ffmpeg -i Input-Filename.avi -f mp4 -y \
#   -vcodec libx264 -b:v 600k -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
#   -r 25 -s 320x196 -aspect 320:240 -vf pad=320:240:0:22 \
#   -threads 2 -async 1 -pass 1 /dev/null
# ffmpeg -i Input-Filename.avi -f mp4 -y \
#   -vcodec libx264 -b:v 600k -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
#   -r 25 -s 320x196 -aspect 320:240 -vf pad=320:240:0:22 \
#   -threads 2 -async 1 -pass 2 ./Input-Filename-ffmpeg.mp4
#  Usage
#  -----
#  Command-line options: 
#  -a : Video aspect ratio. Could be either 1.66 or 2.35 (default)
#  -b : Video bitrate. Should be in the form of 600k (default)
#  -c : Video codec. Should be either libx264 or libxvid (default)
#  -d : Output directory. Current directory (.) is the default
#  -y : Whether to ask confirmation before overwriting any file.
#       Should be either "yes" (default) or "no"
#  Examples
#  --------
#  1) ./ The.Movie.Filename.avi 
#     would output the xvid-encoded video to The.Movie.Filename-ffmpeg.mp4 in the current directory
#  2) ./ -a 1.66 -b 650k -c libx264 -d /home/vikas/downloads/ -y The.Movie.Filename.avi 

# Command-line options
while getopts 'a:b:c:d:o:p:y' opt "$@"; do
    case "$opt" in
        a) video_aspect="$OPTARG" ;;
        b) vbitrate="$OPTARG" ;;
        c) video_codec="$OPTARG" ;;
        d) output_dir="$OPTARG" ;;
        o) addl_options="$OPTARG" ;;
        p) passes="$OPTARG" ;;
        y) ask_confirmation="no" ;;
shift $((OPTIND - 1))

# Defaults
video_codec="${video_codec:-libxvid}" # or libx264


if [[ "$video_codec" == "libx264" ]]; then
    #vpre_pass1="-vpre fastfirstpass -vpre baseline"
    #vpre_pass2="-vpre hq -vpre baseline"

    if [[ "$video_aspect" == "2.35" ]]; then
    elif [[ "$video_aspect" == "1.66" ]]; then

elif [[ "$video_codec" == "libxvid" ]]; then

    if [[ "$video_aspect" == "2.35" ]]; then
    elif [[ "$video_aspect" == "1.66" ]]; then

echo "Encoding '${#@}' video(s)";

for in_file in "$@"; do

    # If the filename has no extension
    if [[ -z "$(echo "$in_file" | grep -Ei "\.[a-z]+$")" ]]; then
        fname="$(basename "${in_file}")-ffmpeg.mp4"
        fname="$(basename "$in_file" | sed -sr 's/^(.*)(\.[^.]+)$/\1-ffmpeg.mp4/')"

    # Avoid overwriting files
    if [[ "$ask_confirmation" != "no" ]] && [[ -f "$out_file" ]]; then
        echo -n "'$out_file' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? [y/n] "; read response
        [[ -z "$(echo "$response" | grep -i "^y")" ]] && continue

    # 1st pass
    ffmpeg -i "$in_file" \
           -f mp4 -y $addl_options \
           -vcodec "$video_codec" -b:v "$vbitrate" \
           -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
           -r 25 -s "$resolution" -aspect "$aspect" -vf "$pad" \
           -threads 2 -async 1 -pass 1  \
           "/dev/null"; # $out_file;

    # 2nd pass
    ffmpeg -i "$in_file" \
           -f mp4 -y $addl_options \
           -vcodec "$video_codec" -b:v "$vbitrate" \
           -acodec libfaac -b:a 96k -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
           -r 25 -s "$resolution" -aspect "$aspect" -vf "$pad" \
           -threads 2 -async 1 -pass 2  \

Its usage is simple too. Without having to remember, edit and type in the lengthy ffmpeg command, this one makes my life a lot easier.
To start with, without any command-line options, the given file is assumed to be of 2.35 (cinema scope) aspect ratio, and consequently encoded using libxvid library to produce a nice 640x360 mp4 video. See below...

A small documentation with available command-line options and a few examples is bundled in the script itself.

NOTE: Because of licensing issues, ffmpeg binaries that are available on the repositories of most of the linux distros are not compiled with "non-free" codec support. This is especially true in the case of libx264 and libfaac. You may have to abandon them and compile the software from sources. Google it!

Do post your views in the comments section below...